Monday, February 14, 2011

This is Toronto!

This post is made in Toronto, Canada

so happy! my first experience in another continent outside Asia :D
and it's winter! perfect! :D

the most exciting part is I went here for business purpose with business visa.

"yeah, I will spend his weekend in Toronto"
"my valentine's day this year will be in Canada"

hihihi so cute :D

but when I need to say "I will have short meeting in Canada this weekend"
I feel like an old business man with big tummy who is doing his business trip (-_-!)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

what we call it "virus"

ok, this is super virus!
once you heard you will never forget the rhythm or even you remember some parts of its lyrics

some (ALL) people said that it is a plagiarism
but yeah,,
I do admit that...
the dance is somehow cool...
the boys are pretty though...
and the lyrics are not that bad...


are you broken hearted? listen and sing this song

So some days ago, I have a discussion with my friend about soundtrack for a broken heart.
Then we came up with this three song.
Actually, I prefer to the first two but he keep insisted on the third one

1. Ada yang hilang by Ipang
(I don't really like the video though)

2. Are you gonna be my girl by JET
(even you have a false tone of voice, every voice will be sound good ;p Then after you sang this song, you get your energy again or even tired but you will sleep then you still get your energy again! :D )

I can't embed the video but you can go through this link:

3. Tak akan terganti by Ipang
(mmm.. honestly I don't really get what it is about :D sorry..)

The importance of WIDY+DIN+ART+(i)

Well, it's kinda random writing actually :D
So this very early morning, I haven't gotten asleep because I had a precious talk with my best friend in high school. We're both busy and we live in different zone of time, so when we found a time, it will be super precious :D

However, during our chat in YM I found this article (attached). It's based on the interview with our third president, Mr. BJ Habibie. He said that to be great, a country should be independent and free. Then those two should be filled by the synergy of three element which are culture, religion, and science.

YEAY!!!! yeay yea yea yea


so here it is:

WIDY is coming from "widya" (Sanskrit) means Science
DIN is coming from "dien" (Arabic) means Religion
ART is coming from "art" (English) means Art synonym of Culture (I know it's kinda different but yeaa...)
I because I'm a girl, so my parents put i instead of "a" or "o"

My parents said to me that to be success in life, a person need to be balance in science, religion, and culture. Yeah, that's the meaning of my name :D

yeah,, it's kinda random writing :D
I'm happy though..
I found that my parents' theory get justified by our former President :D


Habibie: Agar Unggul, Harus Bebas dan Merdeka

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan BJ Habibie

VIVAnews - Bagi bekas Presiden BJ Habibie, kebebasan dan kemerdekaan merupakan dua hal berbeda. Untuk menjadi negara yang unggul, kedua aspek itu harus ada.

"Untuk menjadi unggul, harus merdeka dan bebas," kata Habibie dalam pidato di Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Sabtu 5 Februari 2011. "Banyak negara yang merdeka tapi rakyatnya tidak bebas, dan banyak negara bebas tapi rakyatnya tidak merdeka."

Dua syarat itu, kata Habibie, harus diisi dengan sinergi tiga elemen yakni budaya, agama dan ilmu pengetahuan. "Selain itu ada proses pembudayaan, yaitu proses antara budaya dan agama. Jadi harus ada pendidikan untuk melengkapi dua sinergi tersebut," kata ahli di bidang aeronautika itu.

"Jadi (istilah) Departemen Pendidikan (sekarang Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional) tesebut tidak cocok. Seharusnya Departemen Pendidikan dan Pembudayaan," ujar Habibie yang kemudian disambut tepuk tangan hadirin di Gedung Sportorium UMY itu.

"Manusia di bumi manapun, baik itu di Amerika, Rusia, Jerman, Inggris, China, semuanya membutuhkan dua sinergi yaitu Pendidikan dan Pembudayaan untuk menjadi unggul," kata Habibie.

"Kalau orang hanya unggul dalam kebudayaan saja tapi tidak diseimbangkan dengan ilmu pengetahuan, itu akan ketinggalan dalam Iptek, jadi tidak bisa bikin air minum yang bersih misalnya," ujarnya. "Kalau orang menguasai Iptek tapi tidak menguasai pembudayaan itu berbahaya. Bisa menghalalkan segala cara."

Dan teknologi utama yang harus dikuasai, kata Habibie, adalah teknologi dirgantara dan teknologi kapal laut. Pesan yang sama, kata Habibie, pernah disampaikan Presiden Soekarno pada tahun 1949.

"Lima belas tahun yang lalu, tahun 1995, pesawat N250 terbang dibuat Indonesia. Di Dirgantara Indonesia ada 16 ribu karyawan. Dari 16 ribu orang yang bekerja di Dirgantara, anak Negeri itu sekarang di mana mereka? Mereka dipakai di Brazil, Eropa dan negara lain. Mereka tidak diberi tempat di negerinya sendiri," kata Habibie. "Mereka adalah anak-anak saya."

Laporan Erick Tanjung | Yogyakarta

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

my preference

I prefer to be ordinary person among the extraordinary people rather than being extraordinary person among the ordinary people...

If I have this preference, do I egoistic?

I just feel that being among extraordinary people, I will have so much things to learn even I will look so ordinary. Meanwhile, I'm afraid of being arrogant and to much in the comfort zone if I were among the ordinary people.

I had discussed this with my friend, then he said the most important thing is being distinct

Other discussion said, we need to be great in wherever we belong..

So that, I take a conclusion:

It is important for us to be among extraordinary people even we need to be ordinary, so that we can learn a lot from them. Then it is more important for us to be among ordinary people, so that we can deliver to them what we got from the extraordinary people.