Wednesday, February 2, 2011

my preference

I prefer to be ordinary person among the extraordinary people rather than being extraordinary person among the ordinary people...

If I have this preference, do I egoistic?

I just feel that being among extraordinary people, I will have so much things to learn even I will look so ordinary. Meanwhile, I'm afraid of being arrogant and to much in the comfort zone if I were among the ordinary people.

I had discussed this with my friend, then he said the most important thing is being distinct

Other discussion said, we need to be great in wherever we belong..

So that, I take a conclusion:

It is important for us to be among extraordinary people even we need to be ordinary, so that we can learn a lot from them. Then it is more important for us to be among ordinary people, so that we can deliver to them what we got from the extraordinary people.


  1. Terweluuuuuuu....! :D

    Kalau buat saya, the most important thing is being passionate.
    When we live our passion, that piece of extraordinariness will come along.

    Cuman masalahnya, terutama bagi org2 labil spt saya, menemukan apa yg menjadi passion saya terkadang memang a bit tricky.
    Makanya smp sekarang juga masih ordinary2 ajah, hohoho...

    Semangat Wid! :D

  2. eh eh ada Marmut!!!
    hihihihi thanks for visiting and reading then COMMENTING my post :) :)

    iyyah passion itu super penting, dan somehow emang kadang orang coba sana coba sini untuk tahu benar2 apa yang menjadi passionnya

    so far aku menemukan passion aku adalah aku mencari ketenangan batin melalui jalan-Nya dan aku melakukannya lewat hal2 yang berhubungan dengan "youth development"

    tapi mungkin ini nanti akan lebih menjurus lagi kemana gitu :D :D

    Semangat Dee!!!
